Child Trafficking needs to end!
My mission is to bring awareness to everyone about ending child trafficking all over the world.

What is Child Trafficking?

Child Trafficking is the illegal movement of children, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation.

Image taken from Google.

Why should we end child trafficking?

Child Trafficking is wrong in any way possible, children aren’t objects that can be sold for large or small amounts of money. Many communities are affected because their kids can’t be outside playing without risking that they are gonna get kidnapped and sold.

Image taken from Google.

About Me

My name is Emily Navarro-Hernandez. I was motivated to create this website becuase here in Texas there are lots of case of human trafficking in general and most cases are kids. I want to bring awareness to everyone and inform them on what it is and that it affects everyone in the world.

Save the Children: Child Trafficking Awareness